Vintage Sunglasses Shop
Don't be fooled by counterfeits, reproductions, and lies and condition misrepresentations by anonymous eBay auction sellers. The Vintage Sunglasses Shop is the world's leading expert authority and retailer of rare and authentic vintage designer sunglasses.

Vintage sunglasses are widely counterfeited, new items and reproductions are sold as "vintage", and original lenses are replaced with cheap aftermarket lenses with no disclosure. Our experts meticulously verify the period authenticity of every pair of sunglasses we sell.

We vet every item to ensure that all of our vintage sunglasses are in excellent condition with no chips, damage, or visible flaws. We offer an unconditional authenticity and condition guarantee, easy returns, and we don't hide behind false, vague or misleading condition statements.

You'll find complete descriptions, history, and expert perspectives on all vintage sunglasses for sale on our website plus plenty of pictures that show you the sunglasses and marks in great detail and a few shots to show you how the sunglasses look on male and female faces.

We strive to maintain availability, but it's difficult to find these rare brands and styles that meet our unparalleled condition and authenticity standards. Buying vintage sunglasses is different than buying new sunglasses in that you may very well never see the same model for sale again.

Vintage Sunglasses Shop is proud to offer free shipping and handling in the US, subsidized shipping worldwide, and no sales tax. If you are ever unhappy with your purchase, you can return it in the same condition for a full refund or exchange. We've been earning your trust online since 1998!
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No Fakes, No Lies, No Reproductions, Save 10% Plus Free Shipping
You can trust the Vintage Sunglasses Shop, based in Pawleys Island, SC, to protect your investment - and your eyes. Don't be fooled by fakes and misrepresentations - read about our vetting process and our condition & authenticity guarantee.
Tell your friends about us on Facebook or Twitter, then enter promo code 444971 at checkout to save 10% on your entire order plus always free shipping in the US and subsidized express shipping worldwide.
We buy finer vintage designer sunglasses that meet our standards; learn how to sell your vintage sunglasses at good prices with no fees, hassles, or uncertainties.
Visit us on Facebook at Vintage Sunglasses Shop, Vintage Revo Sunglasses, and Vintage Vuarnet Sunglasses, and thanks for visiting and shopping at the Vintage Sunglasses Shop!