Only Buy From A Knowledgeable and Trusted Source
Want to buy vintage sunglasses on Ebay, Etsy or some obscure website? Don't write us for help authenticating if you do and good luck trying to return anything. Since 1998 Vintage Sunglasses Shop has protected your investment and your eyes by ensuring that you're buying only authentic vintage sunglasses in excellent condition. Many eBay and Etsy sellers and "stores" sell counterfeits knowingly or unknowingly, and when they occasionally get caught and banned they just set up a new ID and relist under another name. Three different studies commissioned by Revo, Ray-Ban, and Oakley indicate almost 40% of alleged "vintage sunglasses" on eBay are overt fakes or have been compromised with cheap third party lenses. These studies show how often you get cheated buying a vintage frame with cheap replacement lenses that have no real optical protection or an overt counterfeit. Most counterfeits originated in Malaysia or China but now they are being routed through Japanese sellers on ebay, everything from Ray-Bans to Oakleys and intended to hide their true origin from buyers.
Condition misrepresentations occur intentionally and through negligence or ignorance, and sellers use vague, subjective, and meaningless terms and illusory rating scales to mislead on condition with no return policies to ensure you can't return an item after purchase. The following are real examples from listings on Ebay, Etsy, and Mercari our customers have written to us about:
- The lenses have some scuffs and scratches but they do not impair or obstruct vision and aren't noticeable when you wear the glasses. (Magically, they never do according to auction sellers, defying logic and common sense. These types of phrases are used to protect against and preclude returns, sticking you with something you're not going to want to wear)
- Sunglasses have normal flaws for a pair of vintage sunglasses and are in excellent wearable condition. ("Normal flaws" and "wearable" sound like they're pretty much worthless to us)
- See pictures for condition as they are part of the description. (It's impossible to tell condition from pictures and is a way auction sellers and web sites avoid telling the truth and preclude returns and refunds)
- I don't know too much about this particular model but I can verify authenticity. (Admitted ignorance but guarantees authenticity - clearly an expert opinion)
- Both of the lenses have the BL logo etched onto the surface which proves their authenticity. (Sorry...the Chinese and Malaysians where most fake Ray-Bans are produced know how to etch glass)
- Very good condition except for the scratches on the lenses. I'm sure they can be easily replaced. (So basically you can buy them and pay to put non-original new lenses in them)
- Sunglasses appear to be in near mint condition, I see no marks or scratches, tight frames, lenses are in near mint condition, with prescription lenses. (GOTCHA! They hope you don't read past "mint condition" to discover the lenses are worthless prescription lenses)
- I'm not sell fake!!!!! Authentic Only. (Clearly a well qualified vintage sunglasses expert)
- I did see some normal wear scratches, with one on left edge of lens being just a slight bit more visible, and NOTHING that will be a problem or impair or distract your vision. Plus, If you wanted you can take them to your optometrist and they all can be polished out they are that lite. The frames are straight with average wear, some lite scratches, again nothing noticeable. (Assertions that scratches and scuffs can be "polished" or "buffed out" are a total fallacy)
- The lenses do have some light scratching- but just what's normal and consistent for vintage - and absolutely nothing brutal. (We didn't know scratching was "normal" and have tried in vain to find a definition for a "brutal" scratch)
- The lens do have some minor smudges and scratches but nothing major. (Wonder what they consider "major"? It's probably not consistent with what your definition)
- Well cared for. I see no scratches other than what is usually found on glass. (We didn't know glass usually has & learn)
- Lenses have a couple teeny brush scratches you may or may not notice when looking through the lenses. (Nothing like a hedge to guarantee you can't return them)
- Awesome pair of vintage Revo oval sun glasses with green lens! I have worn them and they have a visible scratch on the left lens. You can get them repaired or just wear them as is. (Wonder what kind of "repair" they have in mind?)
You Can Trust The Vintage Sunglasses Shop
The Vintage Sunglasses Shop is based in Pawleys Island, SC, and we are the world's largest retailer of authentic vintage designer sunglasses. We are here to protect your investment - and your eyes. Don't be fooled by fakes and misrepresentations - read about our vetting process and our condition & authenticity guarantee. If you are ever displeased with anything you buy here, you can return it for a full refund - no questions asked.
Tell your friends about us on Facebook or Twitter, then enter promo code 444971 at checkout to save 10% on your entire order plus always free shipping in the US and subsidized express shipping worldwide.
We buy finer vintage designer sunglasses that meet our standards; learn how to sell your vintage sunglasses at good prices with no fees, hassles, or uncertainties.
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